Renegade Beagles Take Long Island

Have you heard about the packs of beagles wreaking havoc on eastern Long Island? Beagles, who are often ditched by hunters when they don't track down enough rabbits, are apparently banding together in feral packs to survive, and they're freaking out residents in the process.
Sadly, this problem isn't new. According to some shelter workers in the area, they get up to 40 beagles surrendered each year. I don't know about you, but I find this wildly disturbing on so many levels. These animals wouldn't be desperate or remotely dangerous if they weren't abandoned in the first place. What kind of clown should even be allowed to hunt if he's not even willing to take care of his own dogs responsibly, or find them new homes if they're not working out?
To read a New York Post story about this issue, click here.
And if you're interested in adopting a beagle, think about contacting Kent Animal Shelter (or any others in eastern Long Island), or you can always search on one of my favorite sites,
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