Group Transports Unwanted Dogs to New Homes

This week, volunteer pilots throughout the country have made it their mission to rescue 5,000 dogs from euthanasia by flying them to new homes. Pilots N Paws, established in February 2008, takes animals from areas of the country where it’s harder to find adoptive homes (usually southern states) to prospective new parents or shelters who simply have more space. They estimate they’ve rescued about 2,000 animals so far.
Why fly instead of drive? According to ABC News, dogs who are older, pregnant, or have medical needs have a hard time with the longer ground journeys and they’re often switched into new vehicles from hour to hour, which can be taxing emotionally and physically.
Animal airlifts run about $2,500, so the organization relies on pilots to donate time and money, and Pilots N Paws is always looking for financial donations.
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