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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

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Rainiest. Morning. Ever. 

Every dog owner knows that your pet doesn’t give a damn about Doppler Radar. They need to pee when they need to pee. This morning’s monsoon unfortunately coincided with my pet’s morning walk.

Here’s how it went: Riley walks out of apartment building, looks up at me, walks back to door. I drag her into deluge. She walks as if wet pavement is somehow burning her little paws. Halfway down block, she stops, looks up at me with disgust, and refuses to budge.

After ten minutes of staring each other down in a battle of wills, we are both soaked, and it’s pretty clear multiple passersby are calling animal cruelty on me. So, we walk back inside. To get back at me, she shakes spastically in the elevator, spraying rain and dirt over my entire face and body. And no, she never peed. Great.

Never before have I wanted a dog towel so badly. I’m not above using my own, but as the wet dog smell filled my apartment, I was kicking myself for not buying that damn ShamWow. So, I started looking around online. Here are a few dog towels I liked:

Soggy Dog
The Cool N Dry Dog Towel
3-Piece Microfiber Dog Drying Towel & Mitt Set
FURminator Microfiber Towel

Soggy Dog Towel

Let me know if you have any other suggestions!

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