Does PediPaws Really Work?

So, I was watching TV the other day and saw the PediPaws infomercial...again. Either they show this commercial all the time, or I watch way too much television. Anyway, I was later shopping at an uptown Walgreen's and as I was checking out at the register, there it was, right next to the PediEgg for people. Creepy, right? Still, I was feeling an impulse buy. So I shelled out the $19.99 and took it home to try it out on Riley.
I'm terrified—as I think most people are—of clipping my own dog's nails. One wrong move and you've got a stage-5 gusher and your apartment looks like the set of Saw II. It's hideous. So, I thought this was a wise investment, not only for Riley's health, but for my peace of mind. When I got it out of the package, put in the batteries and turned it on, I noticed two things: 1) it was surprisingly heavy, and 2) it disturbingly resembled a vibrator. But that wasn't all. It was also loud. So loud that Riley bolted off the bed, into the bathroom, and hid behind the door. For close to 30 minutes I tried to get her accustomed to the noise, but she was having none of it. Eventually, I stored it back on my "dog shelf," and I haven't attempted another dog-terror session since.
So then, I guess the answer to the question above, "Does PediPaws Really Work?" is: I have no idea. Sorry if that was misleading. But has anyone else used it? What was your experience?
Reader Comments (1)
Same exact experience