A Cool New Dog Book

There's a new book out that you should definitely check out. It's called Penny the Jetsetting Dog, and it's by a wonderful author named Alexandra Power.
The book tells the story of the author's little blonde dog, Penny, who moved to New York City from Sydney, Australia, four years ago. Since then, says Alexandra, "Penny has traveled the world, from horse riding to the Argentine border in Chile, to getting furious at giraffes for licking her in Kenya. She truly is an adventure dog." (After hearing about Penny's adventures, I started feeling guilty that Riley has only been to places such as New Orleans and Chicago. Poor girl.)
The images inside the book "were painted by a group of children in Kenya who with no formal education who are taught art under a tree in the hope of obtaining an art-related job." What's even more amazing about the book is that 20 percent of the profits go towards creating a high school for creatively gifted children in Kenya.
For more info on the book—and Penny's personal traveling tips—see www.pennythejetsettingdog.com
To buy a copy of Penny the Jetsetting Dog, go to Amazon here.
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