The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center handles thousands of calls every year from pet owners concerned that their animal has ingested something harmful. In 2009, they received more than 140,000 calls about pets exposed to toxic substances, and they took the liberty of compiling a list of the most common. I've listed them—with examples—below.
Azaleas may look pretty, but they can be poisonous to dogs.
- Human Medications (e.g. painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants, and dietary supplements)
- Insecticides (those used around the home as well as misused flea and tick products)
- People Food (grapes/raisins, avocado, chocolate, and things containing xylitol, like gum)
- Plants (azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, lilies, kalanchoe, and schefflera, to name a few)
- Veterinary Medications
- Rodenticides (rat and mouse poisons)
- Household Cleaners (bleaches, detergents, and disinfectants)
- Heavy Metals (lead, zinc, and mercury in the form of paint chips, linoleum, lead dust, etc.)
- Garden Products (fertilizer)
- Chemical Hazards (antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners, and pool/spa cleaners)
To read the ASPCA's entire list, including details, click here. And of course, it may be a good idea to keep the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center number on hand somewhere that's easily accessible: 888-426-4435. I've called them before and they were extraordinarily helpful.
Article originally appeared on Red Riley (
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