"Pup Crawl" This Saturday
Friday, September 25, 2009
Molly in Local Organizations, National Organizations, News

One Williamsburg resident has organized a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend to draw attention to all the animals at risk of losing their homes due to the crappy economy. According to the ASPCA, one million animals could be left homeless due to home foreclosures.

Credit: www.nynytours.com

So, Joseph Hassan, 29, decided to do something about it. The City Room New York Times blog reported: "Mr. Hassan said his ideal outcome for this event would be to help a family forced to give up a pet readopt it when they weathered the storm. In the interim, the pet could stay in a no-kill shelter or with a 'foster owner.' But to do that, the pet shelters need additional funds, as they are being overwhelmed by the surge in pets while their sources of money are drying up. 'They are hit doubly hard,' Mr. Hassan said." Mr. Hassan's goal, then, is to raise much-needed funds for shelters. 

The trek will take place Saturday, with pets and owners gathering at City Hall Park around 5:30 p.m. The walk officially begins at 7 p.m., and will be a round trip across the bridge and back. You even get a doggie bag for participating!

To register or get more information, click here: http://www.thepupcrawl.com/index.html

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (http://www.redriley.com/).
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