Consider Fostering a Dog
Friday, June 26, 2009
Molly in Animal Care & Control, Local Organizations, News, Volunteering

I want to introduce you all to an amazing organization—Animal Care & Control of New York City. It is the only animal rescue group here in the city that is required by law to take in all homeless pets. Every day, they open their doors to animals that have nowhere else to go and would otherwise be left on the street. As a result, they often have more animals than the shelter can hold, and that lack of space places the animal at risk of being euthanized.

Blair, one of the dogs currently at Animal Care & Control

If you can, I hope that you’ll consider fostering an animal for AC&C. You’d be buying the animal more time and likely saving a life. Most of these dogs have been literally abandoned by their owners on the streets of New York. No, I’m not joking. It’s heartbreaking. Some are nearly starved; some have been abused; and some have been forcibly bread and then simply ditched.

As an AC&C foster parent, you would take care of an animal in your home until the animal has a permanent home. You could bring the foster animal to AC&C adoption events and, in conjunction, conduct your own adoption efforts. Throughout this entire period, AC&C will work with you to help you find your foster dog a permanent new family.

I know, we all have constraints on our time and money, especially now. But I think you will agree that this is just a good thing. And it would be incredibly fulfilling. If you can’t foster a dog, please forward this post along to any and everyone and tell them about AC&C’s efforts.

For more information, go to their website at or email Animal Care & Control’s wonderful foster coordinator directly. Her name is Maggie O’Neill, and her email address is

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (
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