Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Molly in News, Nutrition, pumpkin for dogs

Growing up, my parents' dogs were forever gnawing at our jack-o-lanterns, which would send my siblings and me into a full-on meltdown. I'm not sure if my parents ever looked into it (although I hope so), but I got to wondering whether pumpkin is actually safe for dogs to eat. Turns out, it is! In fact, you can even add canned pumpkin (the unspiced kind) to your dog's food to help with digestion "issues."

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I'd suggest talking to your vet first just to be sure about what and how much, exactly, you'd be feeding your pet. And be warned, too much pumpkin can cause diarrhea in dogs. (Eew.)

Below are a few stories (and recipes) on the subject, in case you're interested in reading:


Happy Doggie Blog 

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (
See website for complete article licensing information.